Saturday, March 22, 2008

Comments on blog

This post is in response to an online Journalism assignment where we had to set up blogs and comment on other student's efforts.

I tried to look at several of my fellow participants blogs to get a feel of what each of us has done. I could not make up my mind about what should be put on the blog and started out with several issues that are close to my heart.

I tried to access Brenton's and Claudine's blogs with no success. Did anyone else have this problem?

Earlier in the week I looked at Vernon's and and Nazimar's. Which I found to be very informative as they are angled towards news (world and Caribbean). I preferred Nazimar's website which has more graphics and is more appealing to the eye in terms of layout. Vernon's website set up for the class assignment is too spartan in terms of looks . I much prefer his other personal blog
which also shows pictures from his life and travels.


Claudine said...

Hello Namwaka,

How are you? I posted my URL in the class forum but just in case you have not checked it as yet it is

I like your page. The use of the photo of the top is very effective. It is a beautiful and inviting shot of Antigua. It does a good job of engaging the reader. However, you may want to check the subtitle. The black words are almost lost in the background. The pink and white also works well.

Interesting tale about Pope Street; can I ask why you changed the font? It is different from all the other entries and while it stands out it takes something away from the uniformity and aesthetic appeal of the page.

Also, having set me up with a beautiful shot at the top of the page I would have loved to see a photo of the street, whether it is with people on it or the cars double parking.

I was also disappointed that there was no photo of you the on the page. Your name was also missing. I need to feel I can trust what I am reading. You write with a pen name, there are no photos of you and you did not even give what you do. I just thought you could have given a little bit more.

I liked all your add ons though.


Afrocentric said...

Thanks Claudine for your input.

I sort of changed the font for popeshead street to make it stand out from the others. As for photos my camera down, but will definately work to include it soon.
Will add more about my self so as to give people a face they can relate to. Tanks again. Will definately look up ur blog.