Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Comfort Naval Hospital in Antigua Barbuda

Its finally here and drawing thousands of people with various ailments! The U.S Navy ship, Comfort is offering free medical, dental, surgical and eye treatment to the citizens of Antigua & Barbuda.

After months of waiting in anticipation to see what the medical personnel have to offer, many people are taking advantage of the free services. The ship will be in the islands for two weeks, from the 5th of May to the 15th. Three medical centres will be used in Antigua namely the Multi-purpose Cultural center at Perry Bay, and the All Saints and Johnson's Point clinics. Barbuda residents will also benefit from these services when the team sets up base at the Hanna Thomas Hospital from the 12th to the 14th of May.

Medical supplies will also be donated to various institutions around the country. According to Major Saint Lehtinen, the US Military Liaison Officer based in Barbados, the ship's main mission is humanitarian and disaster relief.

$35,000.00 will also be spent on refurbishing the mental hospital as the Ship's Engineering unit works hand in hand with the government Public works department. New doors, ceiling fans and other structural renovations are expected to be carried out at the mental institution.Other institutions that will receive a helping hand include the hurricane shelters and clinics. Animals on the twin island state will also be treated by a team of veterinary personnel.