Friday, March 28, 2008

Microwave Popcorn

How many of us have rushed home at the end of the day and after getting every thing out of the way, sat in front of the TV with a big bowl of microwave popcorn?

The good news is it tastes good, but now I hear there's some bad news associated with the treat.

According to the Seattle Post-Intelligencer eating microwave popcorn has serious consequences. A chemical called diacetyl to give it that buttery flavor causes a severe lung condition. To get more information about what is going on click on the link.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

No work, no flat belly !!!

It’s intriguing to realise that we are now more than ever being suckered into paying for the so called gimmicky diet pills, and belly fat burning offerings in the form of abs gadgets and trendy diets. Without learning our lesson that very few actually work!

I got onto the subject of abs after I saw this article that was warning readers about fad diets and pills. While promising me the secret of how to get flat abs, the said article had me read pages of print before telling me that the information I was seeking has a price tag attached.

Am sure you have also been taken for a ride by such adverts in the past, thinly disguised as timely help.
How many of us through genetics, poor diet and just plain laziness succumb to letting our figures deteriorate that we are ashamed to wear close fitting clothes. We resort to very baggy clothes and call it fashion. The fashion and film industries also give a false sense of what the ideal body should look like contributing to making us feel even less attractive!!

Flat abs is all about working hard and eating right. I for one have a weakness for pastries and this unfortunately has been my downfall.

I do try to pace myself, but Lord its hard!
Fruits and vegetables, and mind u not that
pre-packaged or canned stuff, but if u live near a fresh produce market or fruit farm, make time and get some. The effort will be worth your investment. This alone will not get u flat abs, but it is a start.

Before u go off to buy that recently advertised, enticing gadget that will give you the abs u desire, examine your diet as well. If it’s composed of sugary, salty and fatty foods you are doing yourself a disservice. Take heed and don't rush through your shopping to get what you are used to. Look closely at the type of food you are about to drop in your shopping cart or basket. Does it have too much sugar, salt or fat? If yes, look at different products you may have overlooked that are healthier and contain less of these offerings.

If you have the fortitude to work out aggressively, go ahead, but this will involve several months of hard work and not the three months that is often touted in advertisements.

A good looking body is usually about hard work and a commitment to keep looking good no matter the cost or sacrifice.

Get a good instructor, who has been in the business for a good while and actually know what they are talking about, if your pocket is able to afford one.

All in all my point is don't waste your money on quick fix solutions to solve your weight or flabby belly problems.