Thursday, November 13, 2008
Snail danger!!!
Take for instance the workshop organised by the Ministry of Agriculture here in Antigua in collaboration with UNAIDS and the University of the West Indies. The workshop wants to increase awareness about the Giant African Land Snail, that was sighted in the Jolly Beach/Bolans areas in March of 2008.
The workshop drew numerous participants from the private, business and government sectors to help spread the word why the Giant African snail is not to be trifled with. Minister of State responsible for Agriculture Senator Joanne Massiah called on the relevant agencies to educate students especially those in primaries schools about the danger this snail poses to humans.
To the untrained eye, it looks like any other harmless slug, but according to the experts be very cautious and Do NOT HANDLE with your bare hands!
It feeds on anything ... vegetation, animal excretions and its own dead! It decimates agriculture affecting a country's economy and not only that, humans can contract meningitis(deadly infection which can kill in a few hours).
Dark in colour and growing to huge proportions this is not dinner nor a delicacy to be enjoyed by my Creole or French friends! Any sightings should be reported to the nearest plant protection agency.
And to my beloved friends who love smuggling plant cuttings/fruits for the fun of it, or because they look pleasing to the eye ... STOP!! ... as hidden pests and diseases often lurk and cannot be seen by the naked eye. By bringing in these problems you introduce a threat to the local flora which incidentally will not have any known controls for the new invader.
So do the right thing and use the proper channels to import a plant or better still just take a photograph.
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Stanford 20/20 cricket for $20m
Take for instance the negative comments from certain individuals about why the Stanford 20/20 for $20 million should be included in the country's independence celebrations!!
Not only has Sir Allen Stanford revived interest among the Caribbean islands through his cricket tournament, but it has also enabled talent that would not have come to the fore thru the West Indies Cricket team be actively pursued!
But say we forget that particular aspect, what about the business it generates with people coming into Antigua spending their money on taxis, accommodation, restaurants and souvenirs! With Big brother America coming to grips with economic recession shouldn't we be thankful that the country is getting some hard foreign exchange that will eventually help government improve the services they continually cry need to be improved?
Some may argue that it is not much , but in my book every little in these times of rising costs helps.
So instead of crying foul especially whenever the Stanford name is mentioned, think about how you can also cash in!
Insightful HIV workshop
Usually when you attend such functions you can't wait to finish for the day, but this one held from the 27-28th of October was quite exceptional.
The format was very interactive and allowed media practitioners from Antigua (yours truly), Belize, British Virgin islands, Cayman islands, Turks and Caicos,St. Vincent, St. Lucia, Tobago, Trinidad and not least Nevis to learn from each country's experiences.
Much kudos to the organisers and various speakers who gave of their time and experiences about the need to educate our audiences of the importance of protecting against HIV infection.
My memories will forever be enriched by the brave HIV+ persons who came to speak to us about how as journalists we should look beyond the story and meeting deadlines. The negative images in the past of HIV infected persons have played a part in fostering stigma and discrimination, but nowadays the message should be of love, protection and respect!
Remember it is a chronic illness and if you reject someone because of your misinformation, you may just find yourself in the same place if we don't change our sexual habits.
Get tested today.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
College Students in windfalll
In collaboration with Cable and Wireless under the Connect Antigua Initiative, which seeks to make the country's citizens technologically savvy, second year students in the business and A level faculties will be provided with an hp laptop. Apart from this, the mobile company has also pledged to connect each student's home with free internet service for at least one year.
Each student will be required to make a down payment of EC$350, which will be reimbursed if the laptop is returned in good condition.
Makes you want to go back to college and get on the band wagon doesn't it?
Congratulations to the government and Cable & Wireless for investing in our youth. We pray that the students will put the laptops and internet service to good use so that that programme can be extended to other students at the college.
Friday, June 13, 2008
Romance is in the Air!!!
Antigua & Barbuda's first International music festival dubbed "Romatic Rhythms" seems to be getting off to a fantastic start as local, regional and international media converged on the venue, Sir Vivian Cricket stadium. The journalists will be bringing you the highlights of the festival which runs from the 13th of June to the 15th.
Briefing the media today, the country's Tourism Minister Harold Lovell says while several international artists who include Lionel Richie and Keyshia Cole will perform during the three days, local musicians are also part of the mix. He says the music festival is being used as an avenue to promote economic growth, and it's also a way to showcase local talent and improve production skills in sound, stage and artist management.
Apart from the famous Burning Flames, Claudette C. P. Peters and the Taxic Band, Tizzy Sebastain and the El A Kru band, other local notables taking part are Calypso icons King Short Shirt, and the Mighty Swallow. Several steel pan performances by the Gemonites, Hellsgate and Harmonites steel bands will be part of the festival's mixing pot.
See u where there's Romance in the Air!!
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Music Festivals Stipulations
According to the Romantic Rhythms Festival media committee it will not be business as usual for still photographers, radio stations and local TV stations.
Taking of photos is restricted to a particular time, which will be clarified I hope by Thursday before the event takes off on Friday at 7 p.m at the Sir Vivian Richards Cricket Stadium. Video and audio recording is totally banned for the international artists who include Lionel Richie, Kenny Rodgers, Keisha Cole, Damian Marley, Musique Soulchild, Heather Headley, Shaggy and Maxi Priest.
So far we don't expect to have so much tying of the hands from the local artists who include the famous Burning flames, Tizzy Tanzania Sebastian, and Claudette C. P. Peters.
Hope the issues are clarified soon as spectators entering the venue are expected to leave their cell phones at home, in case the performances are posted on Google videos or God forbid YouTube.
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Music Festival U.S Airlift
And last Friday, I managed to catch Etana's performance at Russell's Restaurant located at Fort James. I arrived late due in part to my scatter brained sister who just had to go to the other end of the island to pick up that night's dinner.
Am grateful I was able to listen to atleast 5 songs by the Jamaican artist. I however missed performances by several local artists. The least I can is direct you to where you can get more information about what went down.
Friday, April 25, 2008
Antigua and Barbuda Carnival
The Caribbean's Greatest Summer Festival, Antigua and Barbuda's carnival sporting a new logo, is just around the corner promising alot of fun and no regrets as the new management rolled out what this year's sponsors can get for their dollars.
New Carnival committee chairman Marlon Rawlins and his team hosted several local businesses last evening at a Business forum and cocktail to give them an opportunity to ask questions of how they can maximise exposure during carnival.
The six Queen of carnival contestants were also introduced to potential sponsors, with three having already attracted sponsors. The carnival committee is very happy with the interest garnered from the business community in contributing to the Caribbean's Greatest summer festival.
AntiguaBarbuda Romantic Rhythms International Music Festival
On Friday 18th April 2008 several sponsors of the event were introduced at a sponsors launch and include Abi financial group, Antigua Motors, Cable & Wireless, American Airlines, Antigua Hotels & Tourism Association, Liatairline, and Premier Beverages. Several Caribbean and local journalsits were able to interact with the festival's committee members and sponsors.
In keeping with this Eastern Caribbean island being branded the romance capital of the Caribbean by several international publications, the twin island state will be hosting the likes of Lionel Richie, Brian McKnight, Kenny Rodgers, Keisha Cole, popular local artists who will include Claudette CP Peters and Tizzy Tanzania Sebastian.
Several mini-concerts will be held around the island to give residents and visitors a feel of different venues. To jump start the music festival, a mini-concert featuring Jamaica's upcoming raggea artist Etana will be held this afternoon at the famous Russell's restaurant at Fort James.
Friday, April 18, 2008
Antigua Folk Dance Festival Launch
The Antigua Dance Academy is preparing to host the second Folk Dance Festival entitled 'Out of the Drum'. The festival has attracted groups from Tobago - Hands of Rhythms, Nevis - I-Afrikana Drummers and Rhythmz Dance Theatre, Montserrat - Emerald Shamioles Masquerade Dancers, Guadeloupe - Kombo: The Heart of Quadeloupe, Trinidad - Shashamane Dance Ensemble, and various dance groups from Antigua and Barbuda.
The Festival will be held from May 22nd to the 25th.
Festival Director and Founder of the Antigua Dance Academy Veronica Yearwood says preparations for the next festival geared for 2010 will begin as soon as this year's festival ends on the 26th of May.
To honour the second hosting of folk dance festival this year, the school has opened an office that will be open to the public from 10.30 a.m to 3 p.m to facilitate inquiries.
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Gang ViolenceUpdate
At least 300 students from schools around the island, instead of the 100 anticipated, turned up to participate in the proceedings. They took part in a survey and simulated scenarios about their perception of figures in authority like the police.
Senator Colin Derrick speaking on one of the popular radio talk shows this morning says the survey should yield insights into how gang violence can be dealt with.
He also says recommendations will be forthcoming in three weeks time. Only part of the report will be revealed to the public, while certain security related strategies will be kept under close wraps.
Looking forward to lessening crime on the beautiful twin island state of Antigua and Barbuda.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Gang Violence
Drawing on expertise from the Organisation of American States (OAS), the ministry is seeking to come up with strategies of how to deal with the growing problem.
According to Minister of Justice Senator Colin Derrick in his opening address at least 12 gangs have been identified and while the majority of the members come from primarily low income areas, it is not unheard of for members to be recruited from well to do families.
The workshop is timely but it remains to be seen if government and other community based groups are willing to help curb this problem by actually coming up with viable suggestions /plans and that its not just talking to appease the public.
To find out more about the negative influence of gang violence check out the two websites and maybe you may have some ideas of how to stop it from escalating.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Culture Diversity week celebrations
I have added a few more elements to my blog like the slide show at the top to give you a proper sense of life on the island.
Visited Fort James last Saturday when I took my nephew for swimming lessons and walked around the area.
Antigua and Barbuda's beauty never ceases to amaze me, and how blind we sometimes get focusing on work and family.
To appreciate the treasures that we often take for granted I took shots of the Anglican Church in St. Johns on my way from work, and as I go about trying to justify my salary, images that catch my eye.
The Culture Development department revealed their plans for this year's Culture Diversity celebrations week by unveiling several additions to the programme.These include a pageant, schools representing a particular country and 10x10 cricket tournament.
Culture Minister Eleston 'Namba' Adams flanked by Ag. Director of Culture Gilbert Luadat and Participating countries representative Maureen Lee Simon says this year's festival has attracted six more countries increasing the number to thirteen compared to seven in 2007.The celebrations start on April 27th until June 1st.
Please enjoy the Uprising dancers performing at the launch.
Monday, April 7, 2008
Multi-Media Packaging
This package is very informative and I was drawn to it because of its interactive nature with links, graphs, video, audio, text and photographs.
Friday, March 28, 2008
Microwave Popcorn
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
No work, no flat belly !!!
Am sure you have also been taken for a ride by such adverts in the past, thinly disguised as timely help.
How many of us through genetics, poor diet and just plain laziness succumb to letting our figures deteriorate that we are ashamed to wear close fitting clothes. We resort to very baggy clothes and call it fashion. The fashion and film industries also give a false sense of what the ideal body should look like contributing to making us feel even less attractive!!
Flat abs is all about working hard and eating right. I for one have a weakness for pastries and this unfortunately has been my downfall.
I do try to pace myself, but Lord its hard!
Fruits and vegetables, and mind u not that pre-packaged or canned stuff, but if u live near a fresh produce market or fruit farm, make time and get some. The effort will be worth your investment. This alone will not get u flat abs, but it is a start.
Before u go off to buy that recently advertised, enticing gadget that will give you the abs u desire, examine your diet as well. If it’s composed of sugary, salty and fatty foods you are doing yourself a disservice. Take heed and don't rush through your shopping to get what you are used to. Look closely at the type of food you are about to drop in your shopping cart or basket. Does it have too much sugar, salt or fat? If yes, look at different products you may have overlooked that are healthier and contain less of these offerings.
If you have the fortitude to work out aggressively, go ahead, but this will involve several months of hard work and not the three months that is often touted in advertisements.
A good looking body is usually about hard work and a commitment to keep looking good no matter the cost or sacrifice.
Get a good instructor, who has been in the business for a good while and actually know what they are talking about, if your pocket is able to afford one.
All in all my point is don't waste your money on quick fix solutions to solve your weight or flabby belly problems.
Saturday, March 22, 2008
The 5Best and Worst Web news or blog headllines
This was very time consuming as it involved really digging into various news outlets online and individual blogs. Otherwise it was interesting as it also showed the variety of styles when it comes to writing headlines.
1. Virtual Sex Toy Thefts Result In Real-Life Court Settlement,2933,340469,00.html - The headline is very good and says exactly what the story is all about and lures the reader to read further.
2.Immigration agent charged with demanding sex for woman's green card - Readers will want to know how the immigration agent was caught just from reading the headline.
3.Another Day, Another Bill Clinton Quote - With the American election debate heating up, especially the race between Clinton and Obama, readers will always be drawn to anything that hints of gossip.
4. NBA players Need College? Prove It. - Straight off the bat the reader was engaged in what the story promised in the headline.
5. Man hit by police Taser: "That's all you got?" - makes you want to read more after reading the headline.
1. my weekend - very cryptic doesn't say much and left wondering if author writing to themselves.
2. Score - was under the impression that it dealt with actual scores of a game.
3. BVI to consider environmental legislation - The headline is not very effective in grabbing a readers attention as seems so dull.
4. SENTENCED TO JAIL ... Bedminister brothers receive combined 12-year prison term - more effective headline would be 'Antigua's lawn tennis hopefuls sentenced to 12 years for attempted murder'.
5. No magic wand - Shaw -
The story is compelling as it tries to explain that it will be no easy task to replace revenue that is being scrapped, but the headline is very vague.
Popeshead Street
If you have visited the Island and looking for action of the sexual kind, everyone knows that Popeshead street is the place to go and get your sexual fantasies satisfied.
As you know the streets in St. Johns are really narrow and parking on both sides of the street is a no-no especially on the side streets.
But listen to this, these patrons park on both sides of the road and even go further by double parking. The driving on this tropical island is atrocious and navigating this street is like driving thru a field of land mines.
Makes you wonder what the police are doing at night, or does the traffic department closed for business at this time? Can you imagine how much the government coffers would be able to accumulate just from one night??? Maybe someone should whisper into the new Police Commissioner's ear?
Blogs I like
Comments on blog
I tried to look at several of my fellow participants blogs to get a feel of what each of us has done. I could not make up my mind about what should be put on the blog and started out with several issues that are close to my heart.
I tried to access Brenton's and Claudine's blogs with no success. Did anyone else have this problem?
Earlier in the week I looked at Vernon's and and Nazimar's. Which I found to be very informative as they are angled towards news (world and Caribbean). I preferred Nazimar's website which has more graphics and is more appealing to the eye in terms of layout. Vernon's website set up for the class assignment is too spartan in terms of looks . I much prefer his other personal blog
which also shows pictures from his life and travels.
Sunday, March 16, 2008
RSS Reader
My second skills assignment involves setting up a blog which has been very interesting. Participants were instructed to set up a blog if they don't already have one and set up an RSS reader. I choose The Google Reader as I already own an email account.
As I like the style of writing used by BBC, I subscribed to their BBCNews/Latest published stories/World edition.
Baby Machine
What makes people thing they have the right to dictate how many children i should have!!! Is it such a social misnomer not to want anymore.
Parenthood is so time consuming and challenging, and in today's world so filled with so many temptations to lure the young from their youth.
Why can't I be considered a person in my own right without some busybody looking over my shoulder wondering when am going to increase the country's population figures?
The next time someone asks me the same old question of when am I having another child, i will look then in the eye and tell them as soon as we have a legal contract that they will contribute 75% towards the child's upkeep!!
I wonder how they will respond.
She shrank in size and was not too mobile, making her very frustrated as she used to be such an active person.
I remember her as always ready with a smile and offering you a plate of food whenever you visit. Its hard to know I will ever see her again, but one good thing is she is no longer in pain and has shed the frustration of being tied to her bed and chair watching the world go by.
I will really miss her.