Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Music Festival U.S Airlift

One of the major areas that lead to the successful hosting of any festival is getting potential spectators or revellers to the destination. Well Antigua and Barbuda is already working on this particular aspect and plans are already in place to get the necessary airlift from several major American cities.
The country's U.S Director of Tourism Derede Samuel-Whitlock and her team held a breakfast meeting with one major airline, Delta and several local hoteliers about the coming Romantic Rhythms International Music festival. More information on that can be found at http://www.ab.gov.ag/gov_v2/government/pressreleases/pressreleases2008/prelease_2008apr25_1.html

And last Friday, I managed to catch Etana's performance at Russell's Restaurant located at Fort James. I arrived late due in part to my scatter brained sister who just had to go to the other end of the island to pick up that night's dinner.

Am grateful I was able to listen to atleast 5 songs by the Jamaican artist. I however missed performances by several local artists. The least I can is direct you to where you can get more information about what went down.http://www.ab.gov.ag/gov_v2/government/pressreleases/pressreleases2008/prelease_2008apr28_1.html

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